Pička u repertoaru: Aubree Valentine Shrieks u Blažencu dok je Doni fingeruje do granice
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Пичка у репертоару: Аубрее Валентине Схриекс у Блаженцу док је Дони фингерује до границе
Aubree Unleashed: The February All-Star Gets Her Pussy Filled and Her Clit Played Like A Tune
Video Transcription
Hey there. Hi. Who do we have with us? Aubrey Valentine. Aubrey, how are you? I'm wonderful, happy to be here.
How does it feel to be our Team Ski All-Star for the month of February? To be Team Ski's All-Star of the month for February is such an honor and I am so grateful.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, where you're from, how did you get into the industry, etc.?
Well, I am originally from southern Utah, very tiny little fun town. I moved to Vegas when I was like 18 and I don't know, I was just working at a she job as a waitress and just kind of right place, right time.
What's your favorite part about shooting with Team Ski?